Sunday, April 29, 2007

Smaller is better

There are times when size makes all the difference. I think this is true when it comes to charitable organizations. When I am considering donations to organizations that do 'good' work in under served areas I like to look for small neighborhood shops. One such shop is Haiti/Marycare. Their website is and is still under construction. Fortunately, the work they do is fully underway.
By taking small steps they have dealt with some very large problems in Haiti. I think the website does a better job of explaining exactly how things get done. So remember when shopping for charities to donate to think small.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Time to revamp all my PowerPoint slides

I just finished reading the latest installment of Presentation Zen and have decided that the time has come to kill my old PowerPoint presentations. I have tortured too many young doctors with my presentations. Time to turn a new leaf. It won't be easy and that may be the point. PowerPoint makes it too easy to fill the slides with non-essential text and graphics. I'm going cold-turkey. No slides until the talk is written and rehearsed in my own head. Then I'll sit down and decide what graphs or pictures will enhance what I am saying. No more text that just echoes what was just said.
It may be a bit late for a New Year's resolution but I'm giving it a shot.